Wednesday, March 11, 2009

52 days and counting...

There are officially 52 days from today until May 17...GRADUATION!!! In the beginning of the semester I had mixed feelings about graduating. I was feeling excited and happy about almost being done with school, while also having sad feelings of leaving behind a place that I have just spent the past four years at. However, at this point I am counting the days(obviously) until I am done with school. I am currently working three jobs (technically). I have to maintain a minimum of 10 hours per week here in the admissions office, I am continuing to work as a waitress on the weekends and in addition to that I am now working 17 hours a week an my new internship. I am working at this amazing architecture firm in Cambridge; Moshe Safdie and Associates and currently working on a few different projects. So between working 17 hours there, 10 hours here and about 10 hours on the weekend at the restaurant, I am stressed about finding time to do my school work.

My thesis is coming along, but it is a slow process. I have about 5 weeks to finish and we have just started to design. We have spent the past few months on schematic design; which is the first stage in the design process and is a time to designate where public and private spaces are and begin to get an early development of the floor plan. Currently I have been working on the layouts of each floor(there are 5 of them) and deciding where to put walls, where certain zones will be and how to break up the space. Not to mention, simultaneously thinking about furniture, finishes and materials for the project. I am excited to see the final product, but I am anxious about getting everything finished in time. My final presentation critique is scheduled for April 30, so its full forth until then. I am wrapping up work here today at the office. I'll keep you posted on further developments.

Until then,
Blog ya later!


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