Tuesday, January 20, 2009

one week under my belt

well the first week of classes went swimmingly...well almost. i attended all but one of my classes because for some reason i read my schedule wrong. i had been anticipating going to my photojournalism class all week (thinking it was on thursday) and very excited to meet the professor and get started with the class. to my surprise, when i arrived to the room on thursday, there was no one to be found. i asked around and eventually had to double check my schedule online. i was disappointed to find out that the class runs on tuesdays not thursdays as i had originally thought. so, i not only missed the first day of class and was very disappointed, but it counts towards one of my three allowed absences. needless to say, today (tuesday) i will be attending photojournalism and am very excited about it. my other classes(the ones i attended..haha) include senior studio which is an independent design studio, and internship class and the art of india which is an art history class. i have to admit that i wasn't looking forward to the art of india class because i don't particularly enjoy art history classes, however the class was very interesting and the professor is extremely knowledgeable. we will be doing a lot of museum visits and discussions so i am excited to physically see the art we will be learning and studying.

gotta run...blog ya later!

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