Monday, September 22, 2008

the beginning of the end

Well the school year is in full swing as fall rapidly approaches and I have bittersweet feelings about being a senior. I am excited about getting a job in something I've devoted the last four years to, but I'm also sad to be leaving Suffolk. This fall marks the beginning of the end my life as a college student. I will soon be considered an adult, in the "real world", with a "real job-kinda scary, but exciting nonetheless.

Firstly, Happy Fall!! Today makes the official Autumn Solstice. I am eager to see the change of seasons, while I am not excited about the dropping temperatures. I love fall and everything associated with it; the changing leaves, the smells, carving pumpkins, candy corn, apple picking, cider and especially Halloween. I know it may be a little early but I have already started decorating for Halloween, one of my favorite holidays.
I also love the fall because it is the beginning of the school year, a time in the year where the stresses of an overwhelming work load haven't begun and I can still enjoy some free time during the week. I am always reminded of a line in one of my favorite movies, You've Got Mail around this time. "I just love fall, it makes want to buy school supplies...I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address." I know that may sound cheesy, but I love the idea of it and it reminds me of the fall.
Anywho, I am excited to share with you something exciting I came across on the Suffolk website. I was perusing through the admissions link and clicked on the virtual tour, expecting it to be the same old lame tour we had always had, which was basically just pictures of each building and a brief description of the departments that were contains inside, when I was pleasantly surprised to a completely new virtual tour and map.

I have to run to class.. blog ya later

1 comment:

Haley said...

can i just tell you i LOVEEE "You've got mail"
one of my faves. :)